SI: V Priročniku VIVO.19 je 13 poglavij, ki obravnavajo različne teme. V vsaki od njih so teoretični in praktični prispevki iz mobilnosti mladinskih delavcev in kratkega povzetka različnih delavnic iz mladinske izmenjave. Našli boste nekaj osebnih pogledov na dogajanje v obeh dejavnostih. Vse prispevke so napisali udeleženci projekta VIVO.19.
Spoznajte naši dvotedenski aktivnosti in veliko več o pripravah ter uživajte, kot bi bili z nami! 🙂
EN: In Hanbook VIVO.19 there are 13 chapters addressing different topics. In each one, there are gathered theoretical and practical inputs from the TC and brief summary of different workshops from YE. There are also some personal view’s of the happening in both activities. All the contributions were written by the participants of VIVO.19.
Get to know our two weeks of activities and a lot more of preparation and enjoy as you were with us! 🙂